Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Told Them Not To...

WARNING: What you are about to see may cause you to experience nightmares of "do-it-yourself" haircolor.

Once upon a time a young lady went away to college and, like so many young college ladies, decided to participate in a group haircoloring event. I mean, if black haircolor looks good on one young lady it should look good on them all, right?   
Well, a couple months passed before this young college lady returned to her parents home and upon arrival the mother proclaimed this group event a complete failure! So off they went to the local beauty supply to easily reverse the results of the group event.Or so they were told at the beauty supply store.  Before testing their skill at haircolor they called me to get further instruction. "DON'T DO IT!" Was my exact "further instruction", including a lengthy explanation of all that could go wrong and why salons charge an arm-and-a-leg for color correction.
I guess I didn't do a very good job of convincing them because a few hours later I received a desperate call from the mom begging me to rescue them from their skill at haircolor.
I call it "Calico College Cutie".

I won't bore you with the details of what took place between the "before" and "after" but let's just say they were singing my praises and promises of her first-born being named after yours truely were made. I'm not holding her to that but if she so chooses I won't argue.
So drum roll please.............

I only took this one picture because I was tired and needed to go sit down...
The moral of the story: Do Not Try This at Home!